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Supporting and Strengthening Families in ways that enhance their growth and well-being

About Us

AMERIMED EIP is a multicultural agency that delivers Early Intervention services with linguistic diversity and cultural sensitivity.

Our goal is to support and strengthen families in ways that enhance their growth and well-being through a partnership between professionals and families based on mutual respect, trust, cultural sensitivity.


Amerimed has been listed as an approved Early Intervention provider agency by the New York State Department of Health since 2000. Amerimed Early Intervention Program became operational in the spring of 2002 and has since been providing home-and community-based services, including multidisciplinary evaluations, therapy services, and initial and ongoing service coordination in all five boroughs of New York City.

Alphabet Cubes

Early Intervention Program

Why Us
A Toddler and a Baby

AMERIMED EIP provides home- and community-based early intervention services in all five boroughs of New York City. 

Baby Learning to Walk

AMERIMED EIP provides home- and community-based early intervention services in all five boroughs of New York City. 

Mother Balancing Baby on Legs

AMERIMED EIP provides home- and community-based early intervention services in all five boroughs of New York City. 

Incomplete Giraffe Puzzle
About Early Intervention Program

The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a public program for infants and toddlers with special needs. Children with diagnosed conditions that lead to developmental delays are eligible for the EIP. Children with no diagnosis who have delays in development may be eligible for the EIP if their delays are serious enough.


If you have concerns about your child's development, you can call NYC EIP at 311 to refer your child. If you wish, Amerimed can help you make the referral. Eligibility for the EIP can be determined only by NYS DOH approved evaluators under contract with the municipality. If your child is found to be eligible for services by someone approved to perform the evaluation, you, NYC staff, and other team members will make a plan to help your child- and your family.


Early intervention services in your plan and authorized by the county are provided at no cost to you. NYC will arrange for the services to be provided and will choose the provider based on the needs of your child and family. Your child's health insurance may be used to cover some of the costs. All other costs for EIP services are paid for by your county and New York State.


Early intervention services are provided where its best for the child- in places such as your home, daycare, or other community settings. The EIP covers the cost of early intervention services only. The EIP does not pay for daycare or other fees charged by community settings.

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